Energy and Commodities Indicative Market Data

Illuminating Complex Markets

Energy and Commodities Indicative Market Data

Understand your market and empower your decision making with access to our unparalleled energy and commodities data coverage.

Key Features

Transparent, Timely, and Accessible
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Make decisions when they matter most with real-time insights and reliable data packages derived from real market activity.

Unique and Scarce
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Know what others can’t — leveraging the exclusive perspective and unique coverage of ICAP, PVM, and Tullett Prebon — across a vast array of financial instruments and markets.

Transform insight into action with exactly the coverage you need

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Avoid confusion and noisy data with our meticulous and standardised approach for every market we serve.

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Data frequency
Real-time, Intraday, EOD
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History available
20+ years
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Delivery options
Direct, Cloud, or through our Channel Partner network.

East - West LNG Basis

Markets we cover

Global Oil
Crude, Middle distillates, Light ends, LPG, Gasoline, Fuel Oil.
EU Power, UK Power, US North East Power, US West Coast Power, US ERCOT Power, US Mid-Con Power, Japan Power, AUS Power.
Natural Gas
EU Gas, UK Gas, AUS Gas, US Nat Gas, LNG.
EMEA Compliance Emissions, APAC Compliance Emissions, US Compliance Emissions, Global Voluntary Carbon.
Global Financial Coal, Physical South African Coal, Coking Coal, Iron Ore.
Gold, Silver, Palladium, Platinum.
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